Wednesday, May 15, 2013


So not perfect, but at least on a somewhat upward swing.  Lauen actually went to the prom on the 27th of April.  She looked pretty and loved the whole thing.  I was happy for it.  It is an event I didn't think she would ever be able to experience, and I am so glad she got to.  Since then..... things have been up and down.  No job yet, and she is still caught up way to much in her boyfriend.  His parents and she are not getting along, and I am just staying out of it all.  He is a nice boy.  I wish he were a little nicer, but all in all, he is okay.

We are planning on going home soon after the kids get out of school, and Lauren has mixed feelings.  She doesn't want to be gone too long, and she really isn't sure about family, but she has plans to go with us.  She seems to be in an okay spot.  She did give up smoking for over a week now.  I am hoping it continues.  As we all know - little things can set her off...

I wish she could make some more friends....  She really needs some.  Anyway.... Things aren't great, but they are certainly better than they were a couple of weeks ago.  That is always nice.

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