Thursday, December 20, 2012

Rock Bottom

Have you ever prayed for someone to hit rock bottom?  It is an interesting question.  I look at Lauren and I don't want her to be unhappy, or have to suffer, but she isn't happy and she is suffering, and what she is doing is only causing her and us more suffering.  I keep praying that she will hit rock bottom, and be so discouraged and so through with it all that she hates it and decides to make the changes and crawl back up.  The problem is she keeps heading down, comes up, heads down, comes up, heads down, etc and we never get anywhere but a yoyo.

She left me last week in a store and stole the truck. Ian got me, we reported her.  Didn't force her to come home, but she came.  A couple of weeks ago I told her I was through with the antics, she either really needed to kill herself or fix it, because I was tired of the yoyo.  She felt I was extremely cruel.  I just refuse to be her punching bag and let her use me for sympathy in that way anymore.  It isn't fair to me.  I thought after taking the truck she would see that things were really bad and make some changes, but within two days she was back to smoking, dyed her hair purple and blue, and got a new boyfriend to be obsessive over.   Same behaviors as before and just another yoyo.  My prayer has been and continues to be that she will awaken and see where she is at, and where she is going.  That she will hit ROCK BOTTOM.  Perhaps then she can grow and learn and stop perpetuating her unhappiness.

We are home with family right now, and I have mixed feelings about the upcoming Holidays.  The past ones have had so many problems, with running away, violence, over doses etc.  I really want this one to be good.  I'm not expecting it, but I am hoping for it.  I pray everyday for her to find what truly matters, to work on therapy, to return to God.  I know he loves her and hasn't abandoned her.  But she has abandoned Him.  Hopefully something soon with get through and she can pull it together.  If not I guess I just have to continue in faith, praying and giving her love.  Pray for her and us please.

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